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Building Dynamic Websites with XML, XSLT, and ASP

While online businesses are expanding rapidly in this day and age and searching for a way to reduce website cost, it is imperative for the internet business executive to understand and utilize the technical tools available on the internet to build a dynamic website. XML, XSLT, and ASP are internet website building tools that operate effectively to help sites survive in the booming online business market as well as reduce website cost. Although most people that are internet savvy and managing online businesses have heard of the hypertext markup language, otherwise known as the acronym HTML, other internet languages such as XML, or extensible markup language, is not as familiar.

What Are XML, XSLT, and ASP?

XML is a markup language that is similar to HTML, but unlike HTML which formats and presents the data, focusing on how the information is portrayed to the eye, XML structures, carries and stores the data. With XML, the user defines their own tags because they are not predefined and the design is created to be self-descriptive. The XSLT, or extensible stylesheet language transformations, was devised to convert XML documents into various formats such as WML, or wireless markup language, flat files, or HTML in order to utilize it with every language on any platform. ASP, the acronym for active server pages, is a server-side scripting language designed by Microsoft that creates dynamically developed web pages.

The integration of XML, XSLT, and ASP makes website development simpler with the assortment of server controls that exhibit exquisite behavior including binding and validation and an encoding model that directly interrelates with the server controls. XML, XSLT, and ASP technology has significantly improved website development by permitting the division of content and appearance as well as reduce website cost.

How Can XML Significantly Reduce The Cost Of Creating A Dynamic Website?

A dynamic website’s key function boils down to automation, and it is built to be more efficient as well as eliminate the necessity for databases akin to Microsoft’s SQLSEVER in order to reduce the website cost for the online business. The dynamic website collects, updates, and develops the data within the content of the site on its own, permitting it to manage data more effectively using XML-based Content Management System developed by SoftXML.

Webmasters gain substantially from building their online business existence by using resources such as XML, XSLT, and ASP languages because building a dynamic website is much easier than building a website composed of tens, hundreds, or even thousands of HTML web pages. XML saves money for the website owner since a database server such as the high-cost Microsoft SQLSERVER is not necessary, resulting in the website owner’s ability to effectively reduce web hosting cost while building a dynamic website.

Becoming familiar with the XML, XSLT, and ASP languages and their uses is beneficial not only for the website itself but also for the website owner. If an online business owner has goals to achieve better quality website development and reduce website cost, changing currently employed systems to using the XML, XSLT, and ASP will provide the website owner with the tools to accomplish said goals. Softxml specializes in product and application development on the XML platform for the online community. We invite you to contact us to discuss your specific needs.

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